China’s Rotten Apples Were North America’s Juice


Still don't want to pay American farmers a fair price for our food? Still want cheap food (and drink) from China?  Think again. From Bloomberg's "The Windsor Star", by way of the Cornucopia Institute, Promoting Economic Justice for Family Scale Farming, comes this report: The juice of rotten Chinese apples isn’t something that most North American parents would serve to their children. But if a recent report from the Chinese press is accurate, they may very well have been doing so for years without anyone – including U.S. government inspectors – knowing it. The news was broken by the independent-minded 21st Century [...]

China’s Rotten Apples Were North America’s Juice2013-10-13T17:08:33+00:00

Reversed equation: Farmers to Soldiers


Okay, I knew that about 40% of the military comes from rural farm communities.  I assumed a lot of that was because with the mechanized industrial food system, we've put a lot of people out of work with our bigger badder machines. And that is probably true. What is creepy is what celebrity-farmer Joel Salatin recently heard straight from the mouth of our Secretary of Agriculture about why we need so many new farmers: (paraphrased by Joel) "....although rural America only has 16 percent of the population, it gives 40 percent of the personnel to the military. Say what? You mean [...]

Reversed equation: Farmers to Soldiers2013-08-28T16:32:22+00:00
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